Sylvia Serbin

© Sylvia Serbin

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African Queens And Heroines of the Black Diaspora
– Non-Fiction (History), French, 2004, 2023 (updated edition, with additional chapters) –


(Lien vers la version en français : ICI)

Sylvia Serbin is a French African-Caribbean journalist and historian. She was born in the African continent where she lived for about thirty years and traveled in different countries. She also spent a part of her life in Paris for her academic studies and the beginning of her professional life. She now lives in France.
A former journalist at Radio France, the French public radio, she produced historical series on Africa, and contributed to various UNESCO programs such as the General History of Africa, the E-learning program on Women figures in African History, and the book African Women, Pan-Africanism, and African Renaissance. Moreover, she contributed to two children’s books published in English: The women soldiers of Dahomey, and Njinga Mbandi, queen of Ndongo and Matamba (Collins/Unesco).
Sylvia Serbin has also release two children’s books in French : Ndaté Yalla Mbodj, une reine sénégalaise au temps des invasions européennes, and Dans l’empire du Mali à l’époque de la reine Kassa. She has been invited in various European and African countries, as well as in the West Indies, Brazil, and Canada, to give lectures on Black women in History.


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