A New Translation of Bernard Dadié in English @ Bucknell University Press



We are delighted to announce the upcoming release in May 2024 of the anthology titled Contemporary Francophone African Plays, published by Bucknell University Press. This compilation, under the editorship of Judith G. Miller, highlights significant works by various authors, including the translation of the giant Bernard Dadié’s Béatrice du Congo. Other notable contributions include pieces by Sony Labou Tansi, Yolande Mukagasana, Sénouvo Agbota Zinsou, José Pliya, Kangni Alem, Kossi Éfoui, Gustave Akakpo, Koffi Kwahulé, and Penda Diouf.

Summary: The play explores the transformation of a king, initially perceived as a democratic leader loved by his people and concerned about their well-being. However, he evolves into an autocrat, a tyrant, alienated after succumbing to the seduction of the Bitandais. He becomes an exploiter and enslaver.

We express our deep gratitude to Présence Africaine Editions for their invaluable support, greatly contributing to the dissemination of the outstanding work of the immense Bernard Dadié.

This publication sets in the context of Présence Africaine new release of Dadié’ s legendary trilogy:  An African in Paris, City where no one dies & Patron de New-York. More information: here

To learn more about this fascinating anthology, visit the official Bucknell University Press website: link to the website, and on Présence Africaine website for the French original. We look forward to sharing with you these rich and diverse voices from the contemporary Francophone African theater scene.


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