Raphaël Thierry

Version en Français : ICI

Raphaël Thierry is a French and Provençal literary agent of Angevin origin who has proudly held his position since 2019. He previously collaborated with Agence Astier-Pécher, before launching Ægitna in January 2023 in Lyon.

He is also PhD of Comparative Literature, researcher and lecturer specialized in literature and book markets of the African continent, after a master’s and then a PhD between France and Cameroon from 2007 to 2013. He then worked at the University of Mannheim in Germany, where he lived for five years. Now he teaches his specialties in Lyon at the Louis Lumière University, in Saint Denis at the University of Paris 13 and in various Masterclasses.

Since 2011, he has been developing and managing the EditAfrica website dedicated to the actuality, research and analysis of the publishing industry in Africa. In this context he launched the EditAfrica Sessions podcast in 2019, a project that will be soon reset in connection with the work of Ægitna.

At the same time, he carries out consultancy with international organizations: French Institute, International Organization of La Francophonie, World Intellectual Property Organization.

Some of his work is available as open access on his Academia profile HERE

Through his family history, Raphaël Thierry is also a promoter of the Freinet pedagogy, which plays an important role in the creation and approach of Ægitna.


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